CBD Oil for Type 1 Diabetes: Health Benefits and Potential Risks
2020 turned out to be a good year for marijuana, and several states eventually legalized recreational cannabis use. The focus now is on the medicinal uses of CBD oil. While several reviews of the therapeutic benefits of CBD oil are published on the internet, should you believe them? Reports indicating that its medicinal properties are emerging will be dismissed or ingested entirely. However, there is increasing research to prove this. If you have type 1 diabetes, you may also want to know the effects of CBD oil.
A quick look at CBD oil and its medicinal properties
CBD oil is widely recommended for medicinal purposes like managing anxiety, chronic pain (you can find out more by following this link https://www.healthcanal.com/best-cbd-oil/arthritis), and depression. The effects on type 1 diabetics are also currently being discussed. Why is CBD oil being considered for medicinal purposes? CBD oil does not contain THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the main ingredient in other cannabinoids, and usually gives the high value.
Suppose you are consuming CBD oil for health reasons. The first words of caution are the dosage. It is highly recommended not to exceed the recommended dosage of 2.5 to 20 mg per day.
Diabetes as a disease
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RegistrationDiabetes affects around 440 million people worldwide. This is a cause for concern as diabetes is a serious health condition that can also cause organ damage and various other complications.
Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes because the pancreas produces very little or no insulin. This mainly happens because the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are damaged. Various factors such as genetics, viral infection, pancreatitis can also cause diabetes. One of the biggest problems with type 1 diabetes is that teenagers and children may also get type 1 diabetes.
Despite several ongoing researches, to date there is no permanent cure for type 1 diabetes. Doctors mainly focus on controlling blood sugar levels and treating symptoms. Using CBD oil for type 1 diabetes is also in the same vein, as it can be helpful in treating multiple symptoms of type 1 diabetes.
Common symptoms of type 1 diabetes
It is important to manage the symptoms of type 1 diabetes. Some common symptoms of type 1 diabetes include:
- There may be an increased thirst.
- Patients can experience severe weight loss.
- Constant fatigue or weakness is a symptom of type 1 diabetes.
- If you urinate frequently, it could indicate type 1 diabetes.
- In some extreme cases, patients may also have impaired vision.
- Children can suffer from bed wetting.
Type 1 diabetes and CBD oil
The essence of type 1 diabetes is having too much glucose in your bloodstream. Inadequate insulin release is the main cause of type 1 diabetes. General surveys show that around 5 percent of all diabetics have type 1 diabetes. More specifically, if you have type 1 diabetes, your body makes very little or no insulin. Because of this, the glucose you ingest stays in the bloodstream, which in turn injures your blood vessels.
The way CBD helps type 1 diabetics
Daily use of CBD oil helps reduce inflammation. Some research has shown that inflammation can also negatively affect insulin production, which is the main concern of type 1 diabetes. Some studies have shown that CBD oil helps treat various health conditions associated with type 1 diabetes. Please have a look at this:
- CBD oil can help you manage body aches and pains associated with type 1 diabetes.
- CBD oil can help improve conditions such as weakness and fatigue, as type 1 diabetics commonly report.
- Consuming foods with CBD oil can be helpful in treating hunger pangs.
- CBD oil helps to increase the patient's overall well-being. The patient remains more active and enjoys good general health.
Hence, CBD oil can have some beneficial effects on certain side effects of diabetes.
Research Suggesting the Effects of CBD on Type 1 Diabetes
Claims about the beneficial effects of CBD oil are supported by researchers as researchers worldwide study the effectiveness of CBD in treating various health conditions and symptoms. You have also made some critical observations about its effects on type 1 diabetes. Read on to learn some of this research.
- Preliminary research from 2006 suggested that regular consumption of CBD oil delayed the onset of diabetes in non-diabetic mice.
- In 2010, a preclinical study was conducted that indicated that CBD oil could treat symptoms of diabetes.
- Most importantly, a Harvard University study indicated that CBD helps in reducing insulin resistance.
- Diabetic neuropathy can cause great pain; Some researchers have stated that since CBD oil has pain relieving properties, it can help patients.
Different forms of CBD oil
CBD oil can improve your overall health when you combine it with good diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Some of the most common forms you can get CBD oil are vaping; You can inhale vaporized CBD oil. You can use vaping pens or e-cigarettes and tinctures. You can also take them as oils and capsules.
Are There Any Concerns About Using CBD Oil For Diabetes? The first point to keep in mind is that it can only be used as a supplement and is not a substitute for medication or insulin. The interaction of CBD oil with prescription drugs is also an issue. The second is the quality of CBD. You can get a wide variety of CBD oil online; However, you should always buy it from a well-known supplier like HealthCanal. A qualified supplier knows all of the precautions that are taken in the manufacture, storage, and delivery of CBD oil in any form.
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